Sunday, May 2, 2010

More on MTSA II

I want to confine this blog to news on MTSA topics but I also want to take a minute to address a topic that isn't getting the attention it deserves. I hope that MTSA II clarifies and refines screening. The range of practices across industry in this topic is astounding, and what goes on at the gate can bear little resemblance to the measures described in the security plan. I am not sure that NVIC 06-04 is a) current; b) widely known to USCG regulators; c) readily available to USCG regulators, and d) widely known or readily available to industry. Screening is a very dangerous activity and industry is being made to perform this activity without adequate training.


There is news on the update of Subchapter H. It apparently will be out in November 2010, see