Friday, June 29, 2018

USCG Maritime Commons Announces New Form for Documenting Facilities Inspection

In the 06/28/2018 posting in Maritime Commons, the Coast Guard Blog for Maritime Professionals, the Coast Guard announced a change in documentation for facility inspections. The CG-835 form is being replaced by the CG-835F. There are no major differences between the two forms but facilities may notice the following:

1.       The 835 is a combined vessel and facility inspection form. The 835F is specifically designed for facilities inspection, and contains a space for the MISLE activity number. MISLE is the Coast Guard’s Marine Information for Safety and Law Enforcement data information system. For more information on MISLE, see
2.       Directions are different on the two forms. The 835 directs, “You must inform the inspecting officer when the following have been corrected.” The 835F emphasizes compliance and states, “Contact the inspecting officer when the following item(s) have been corrected.”
3.       Size matters: the 835 is a smaller form, harder to file and easier to misplace. The 835F is an 8.5 x 11 form which can be 3-hole punched for easier filing in paper copy.
4.       The 835F has a second page that details the rights of appeal for facilities who want to request consideration.
The Maritime Commons post states that “Regulated facilities should note that Coast Guard facility inspectors may begin using the CG-835F to document facility inspections, but in some instances may continue to use the CG-835 during this transition.”
Maritime Commons, the Coast Guard Blog for Maritime Professionals, is an excellent source of information concerning MTSA issues, facility compliance, and general Coast Guard news. You can subscribe to Maritime Commons at